Sankashti Chaturthi: A Revered Hindu Festival Celebrating Lord Ganesha

Sankashti Chaturthi, also known as Sankatahara Chaturthi, is a significant Hindu festival dedicated to Lord Ganesha, the elephant-headed deity revered as the Remover of Obstacles and the Lord of Beginnings. This auspicious day falls on the fourth day (Chaturthi) of the Krishna Paksha (waning phase of the moon) in the Hindu lunar month. This blog post explores the history, significance, rituals, and celebrations associated with Sankashti Chaturthi.

Why Sankashti Chaturthi is celebrated?

Sankashti Chaturthi is a Hindu festival with a rich history that dates back to ancient times. The origins and significance of this auspicious day can be traced through various mythological and historical narratives.

According to Hindu mythology, the story of Sankashti Chaturthi is associated with Lord Ganesha, the elephant-headed deity and the son of Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati. It is believed that once when Lord Ganesha was guarding his mother's abode, the divine sage Narada arrived with a celestial mango. Impressed by its divine aroma and taste, Narada decided to gift it to Lord Shiva.

Narada suggested that the mango be given to the one who could consume it completely and without any dispute. Both Lord Ganesha and his brother Lord Kartikeya desired the mango. To resolve the matter, Lord Shiva proposed a challenge: the one who would complete a circumambulation of the universe first would win the mango.

Lord Kartikeya, being the God of War and known for his swiftness, immediately embarked on his journey to circle the universe. However, Lord Ganesha, known for his wisdom, intelligence, and devotion, took a different approach. He simply circled around his parents, Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati, and then declared that his parents represented the entire universe to him.

Impressed by Lord Ganesha's wisdom and devotion, Lord Shiva awarded him the celestial mango. This incident signifies Lord Ganesha's supremacy, intelligence, and devotion to his parents. It also highlights his ability to find alternative and innovative solutions to overcome obstacles.

The day on which this incident occurred came to be known as Sankashti Chaturthi. The term "Sankashti" translates to "deliverance from troubles," emphasizing Lord Ganesha's role as the remover of obstacles and the provider of success and prosperity. "Chaturthi" refers to the fourth day of the lunar fortnight, which is when this festival is observed.

Over time, Sankashti Chaturthi became an important festival celebrated by devotees to seek Lord Ganesha's blessings for the removal of obstacles, success in endeavours, and overall well-being. It is believed that observing fasts, performing rituals, chanting prayers, and offering prayers to Lord Ganesha on this day can bring about positive transformations in one's life.

Today, Sankashti Chaturthi is celebrated with great enthusiasm and devotion by Hindus worldwide. It serves as a reminder of Lord Ganesha's benevolence and the significance of seeking his blessings to overcome challenges and embark on new beginnings.

Historical and Mythological Significance:

The roots of Sankashti Chaturthi can be traced back to ancient times when the great sage Maharishi Vyasa narrated the story of this auspicious day to King Yudhishthira. According to Hindu mythology, it is believed that Lord Krishna observed Sankashti Chaturthi to seek Lord Ganesha's blessings before embarking on a new endeavour. The day holds immense significance as it symbolizes the importance of overcoming obstacles and seeking divine intervention.

Lord Ganesha

Rituals and Observances:

Sankashti Chaturthi is observed with great devotion and reverence by Hindus worldwide. Devotees observe a strict fast throughout the day, abstaining from consuming any food or water until moonrise. The fast is broken only after sighting the moon and offering prayers to Lord Ganesha. Special rituals and prayers are performed in homes and temples, invoking the blessings of the deity.

Ganapati Atharvasirsha Chanting:

During Sankashti Chaturthi, devotees often chant the Ganapati Atharvasirsha, a sacred hymn dedicated to Lord Ganesha. This hymn is believed to bestow wisdom, remove obstacles, and bring prosperity. The rhythmic recitation of the Atharvasirsha fills the atmosphere with spiritual energy and devotion.

Modak: Lord Ganesha's Favorite Offering:

Modak, a sweet dumpling filled with coconut and jaggery, holds great significance during the festival. It is considered Lord Ganesha's favourite food, and offering modaks is believed to please the deity and receive his blessings. Devotees prepare a variety of modaks and other traditional delicacies to be offered during the rituals and later distributed as prasadam (consecrated food) among family and friends.

Community Celebrations:

Sankashti Chaturthi brings people together in joyous celebration. In many regions, processions carrying beautifully adorned idols of Lord Ganesha are taken through the streets with great enthusiasm and devotion. These processions are accompanied by music, dance, and devotional songs praising Lord Ganesha's greatness.


Sankashti Chaturthi holds immense religious and cultural significance in Hinduism. It serves as a reminder to devotees to seek Lord Ganesha's blessings in overcoming obstacles and embarking on new beginnings. The festival instills a sense of unity, devotion, and gratitude among the community. As devotees fast, pray, and celebrate, Sankashti Chaturthi serves as a beautiful reminder of the divine grace and protection bestowed by Lord Ganesha in our lives.



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