Labour is the Real Sustainer of Society

It is one of the best quotes by Freedom fighter Bhagat Singh. At the core of every prosperous society is the labour force. From the construction worker to the doctor, each profession plays a crucial role in ensuring the sustainability of our organisation. It is the labour force that drives economic growth, builds infrastructure, and provides essential services. In this article, we will explore the importance of labour and how it sustains our society.

The Role of Labour in Economic Growth

Labour is the Real Sustainer of Society

Labour plays a critical role in driving economic growth. A robust labour force with a diverse skill set enables industries to grow and innovate. The manufacturing sector, for example, relies heavily on skilled labour to produce goods efficiently. Skilled work is also vital in the service industry, where workers provide essential services such as healthcare and education.

A well-trained workforce is also a key driver of innovation. Skilled workers can develop new products, services, and technologies that can spur economic growth. In today's fast-paced, technology-driven world, businesses must innovate to remain competitive, and a skilled labour force is essential for this.

The Importance of Infrastructure

Infrastructure is the backbone of any society. It includes roads, bridges, buildings, and other essential facilities that enable people to live, work, and prosper. The construction of infrastructure is a labour-intensive process that requires skilled workers to design, plan, and execute construction projects.

A strong labour force is essential for the construction of infrastructure projects. From architects and engineers to construction workers and project managers, each profession plays a vital role in the construction process. The construction industry is one of the largest employers in many countries, and the skills and expertise of these workers are critical for the success of infrastructure projects.

Moreover, infrastructure projects create job opportunities for the local labour force. The construction of a new road, for example, can create jobs for construction workers, engineers, and support staff. This not only provides employment opportunities but also helps to boost the local economy by increasing the purchasing power of the workers.

The Provision of Essential Services

Another critical aspect of the labour force is the provision of essential services. Healthcare, education, and public safety are just a few examples of services that rely heavily on the labour force. Doctors, nurses, teachers, and police officers are just some of the many professionals who provide essential services to our society.

Without a skilled and dedicated labour force, the provision of essential services would be impossible. The healthcare sector, for example, requires skilled doctors, nurses, and support staff to provide quality healthcare services. Similarly, the education sector relies on teachers and support staff to provide quality education to students.

The provision of essential services is not just critical for the well-being of individuals but also for the sustainability of society as a whole. For instance, a healthy and educated workforce is essential for economic growth and development. Moreover, public safety ensures that people can live and work in a secure environment, which is critical for the sustainability of our society.

Condition of Labour in India

Status of work

The condition of labor in India is a complex issue that affects millions of workers across the country. Despite various laws and regulations that protect workers' rights, many workers continue to face exploitation, poor working conditions, and inadequate wages.

One of the major challenges facing labor in India is the prevalence of informal employment. According to a recent report by the International Labour Organization (ILO), around 81 percent of the Indian workforce is engaged in informal employment. Informal employment is characterized by low wages, lack of job security, and minimal social protection, which puts workers at a disadvantage.

Another major challenge is the lack of enforcement of labor laws and regulations. Although India has a range of labour laws that protect workers' rights, many employers violate these laws with impunity. The government has struggled to enforce these laws, which has led to widespread exploitation of workers in various sectors.

Child labor is also a significant problem in India. Despite laws banning child labor, millions of children continue to work in hazardous and exploitative conditions. Many of these children work in industries such as agriculture, domestic work, and small-scale manufacturing. The government has taken several steps to address child labor, but much more needs to be done to eradicate this practice completely.

Additionally, women workers face several challenges in the Indian labor market. Women workers often receive lower wages than their male counterparts for the same work. Moreover, they face discrimination and harassment in the workplace, which further limits their opportunities.

In recent years, the COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated the challenges facing labor in India. Millions of workers have lost their jobs due to the pandemic, which has created significant economic distress. Many workers who have managed to keep their jobs face increased risks of infection due to inadequate safety measures in the workplace.

Daily Wages of Labour in India

The daily wages of labour in India vary depending on the industry, the location, and the skill level of the worker. In general, the minimum wage for unskilled workers in India is set by the government and varies from state to state. However, many workers earn wages that are significantly lower than the minimum wage.

According to a report by the International Labour Organization (ILO), the average daily wage for unskilled workers in India is around Rs. 300 to Rs. 400 per day, which is equivalent to approximately $4 to $5.50 USD. However, many workers earn wages that are significantly lower than this, particularly in the informal sector.

In the agriculture sector, for example, many workers earn wages that are as low as Rs. 100 to Rs. 200 per day, which is equivalent to approximately $1.50 to $2.75 USD. This is well below the minimum wage set by the government in many states.

In the construction sector, daily wages for unskilled workers can vary widely depending on the location and the type of work. In cities like Mumbai and Delhi, for example, daily wages for unskilled workers can range from Rs. 500 to Rs. 800 per day, which is equivalent to approximately $6.75 to $11 USD. However, in smaller towns and rural areas, daily wages for unskilled workers can be as low as Rs. 300 to Rs. 400 per day.

Skilled workers, on the other hand, can earn significantly higher wages. In the manufacturing sector, for example, skilled workers can earn wages of up to Rs. 1,000 to Rs. 1,500 per day, which is equivalent to approximately $13.50 to $20 USD.

It is important to note that the daily wages of labor in India are often lower than what is required to maintain a basic standard of living. Many workers struggle to make ends meet on their wages and are forced to work long hours in difficult conditions. This has led to widespread poverty and inequality in the country.

why labour left India?

The reasons why labour leaves India are complex and multifaceted. Some workers leave in search of better job opportunities, higher wages, or improved working conditions, while others leave due to economic or political instability, discrimination, or persecution. One of the main reasons why labour leaves India is the lack of job opportunities and low wages. Many workers, particularly those in rural areas, struggle to find regular employment that pays a living wage. As a result, they may choose to migrate to other regions or countries in search of better opportunities. Another factor driving labor migration from India is economic and political instability. In recent years, India has experienced a significant economic slowdown, with high levels of inflation, rising unemployment, and increasing poverty. This has led many workers to seek opportunities elsewhere, particularly in the Gulf countries, where there is high demand for labor in industries such as construction and hospitality. Discrimination and persecution are also factors that can lead to labor leaving India. Members of marginalized communities, such as Dalits, Muslims, and LGBTQ+ individuals, may face discrimination and violence in India, leading them to seek refuge in other countries. In addition, many workers leave India due to the lack of social protections and inadequate working conditions. Many industries in India are characterized by poor working conditions, long hours, and low pay, which can lead to high levels of stress and poor health outcomes. Workers may choose to leave India in search of better working conditions and protections. Overall, the reasons why labor leaves India are complex and varied, reflecting the economic, social, and political realities of the country. While some workers may leave in search of better opportunities, others may leave due to discrimination, persecution, or inadequate working conditions. Addressing these issues will require a comprehensive approach that takes into account the needs and aspirations of workers, as well as the broader economic and social context in which they live.

About Labour Day

Labour Day is an annual holiday celebrated in many countries around the world, typically on May 1st or the first Monday in September. It is a day dedicated to celebrating the contributions of workers and the labour movement and is often marked by parades, speeches, and other public events. The origins of Labour Day can be traced back to the late 19th century when workers in industrialized countries began organizing to demand better wages, shorter hours, and improved working conditions. In the United States, the first Labor Day celebration was held in 1882 in New York City, organized by the Central Labor Union. Over time, the holiday gained wider acceptance and recognition, and it was officially recognized as a federal holiday in 1894. Today, Labour Day is celebrated in many countries around the world, including Canada, Australia, and much of Europe. In some countries, it is known as May Day and is associated with the celebration of spring and the renewal of life. In others, it is a day dedicated to the memory of workers who have died or been injured on the job. Labour Day celebrations vary from country to country but often include parades, speeches by labour leaders and politicians, and other public events. In some countries, it is also a day of political action, with labour unions and other advocacy groups using the occasion to press for better working conditions and greater worker protections. Despite the progress that has been made in improving working conditions and worker protections, many challenges remain. In many parts of the world, workers continue to face exploitation, discrimination, and unsafe working conditions. Labour Day serves as a reminder of the ongoing struggle for workers' rights and the importance of continued advocacy and action on behalf of the labour movement.


In conclusion, the labour force is the real sustainer of society. It drives economic growth, builds infrastructure, and provides essential services that are critical for the sustainability of our society. A skilled and dedicated labour force is essential for the success of any society. As such, it is essential to invest in the labour force by providing quality education.


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