Important Things you need to About Coronavirus (COVID-19)

The name “Coronavirus” is derived from the Latin Corna.

Today all countries in this world are getting scared about the Coronavirus. Coronaviruses are a group of related viruses that cause diseases in mammals and birds.

 History of Coronavirus

The history of human Corona-viruses began in 1965 when Tyrrell and Bynoe1 found that they could passage a virus named B814. It was found in human embryonic tracheal organ cultures added from the respiratory tract of an adult with a common cold.


In November 2019 55-year-old individual from Hubei province in China may have been the first person to have contracted COVID-19, the disease caused by the new coronavirus spreading across the globe. That case dates back to Nov. 17, 2019, according to the South Morning China Post.  Now In march 2013 there are about 148,000 cases globally and more than 81,000 cases in mainland China are found related to this virus.

Italy’s world-topping toll I from the corona-virus pandemic

Italy’s world-topping toll I from the coronavirus pandemic approached 93215 on Sunday after the country reported another 5600 deaths.

Impact of Coronavirus COVID-19 in USA

New York has now over 14,000 positive cases, which is almost a third of the total cases in the country.

This Coronavirus has now claimed 10000 life in the USA. The office, college, and school are getting shut down till 7 April 2020. All the people are getting locked into the room. Only some emergency services such as medicine, grocery, and many more are open.

The White House and Congress on Tuesday 17 April 2020 said they are working to craft a massive $1 trillion Coronavirus stimulus package to rescue the U.S. economy.

Coronavirus updates USA

 How Coronavirus COVID-19 enterd in India ?

Some of the travelers come from china to India in January 2020 in Kerala. This virus has attributes scattered from one person to another. That's why India has also reported the first confirmed case of the coronavirus infection on 30 January 2020 in the state of Kerala. The affected had a travel history from Wuhan, China.

The total number of confirmed cases across India reaches 34 Crore: Health Ministry

The total number of confirmed cases in India due to this Coronavirus Disease is about to reach 50 lacs.

The total number of positive cases of COVID19 in India now stands at 34 crores including 141 foreigners), 18000 deaths (8000 each) in Delhi, Karnataka, Punjab, and Maharashtra (15000): Ministry of Health and Family Welfare.

Meanwhile, India has started screening at airports and has refused visas till April 15. As per standard figures, an issue of 13,54,858 has done screened at various airports in India.

Coronavirus in India

COVID-19: Lockdown across India, in line with WHO guidance

India’s decision to impose a 21-day lockdown, which was announced on Tuesday 24 April  2020, comes after a call from the UN health agency, WHO, for the country to take “aggressive action”.

Again  Lockdown is getting extended till 3 May.  

During this tenure, all of the things such as  Buses, Train, and Airplanes are getting lock-down for 21 days.

It will extend further if the situations will be not controlled.

What is the negative impact of Lockdown in India?

Lockdown in a country like India is disastrous for human welfare and economies since there is no help for small businesses nor are there unemployment benefits, said Christopher Wood, Global Head of Equity Strategy at Jefferies.  Really In India, almost 60% of people are wage labor. Their whole life will depend upon their daily wages. They can nourish their family by using their daily wages. Since due to lockdown they lost their daily wages. So, they can't survive.

What is the positive impact of the Lockdown?

According to The Global Carbon Project, global carbon emissions were expected to rise this year, but instead might fall by around 5 percent – or 2.5 billion tons, the lowest levels seen since the recession a decade ago.  Lockdown cleans the air. Sice due to lockdown lots of the factories, trains, and bus services are closes. So it cleans our air. The holy river Ganga water is very clean and not it is ready for drinking.

Google Doodle: Thanks corona warriors in its series on Friday(13 September 2020. 

Google Doodle

With the world hit with the fatal coronavirus, Google thanks to the educators and childcare workers. Google praised teachers and childcare workers for their selfless work with a doodle on Friday(13 September 2020. The doodle features doctors, teachers, nurses, drivers, delivery staff, farmers. Google Dedicates Colourful Doodle to Honour Frontline Warriors. In April 2020, Google Doodle published a series of creative models to honor coronavirus warriors crosswise one world.


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