Never Love the company always love the Employeer of the company

"Love your job but don't love your company because you don't know when your company stops loving you".

This is the famous quote by APJ Abdul Kalam Azad.

I really love this quote.

If you work in a company then the company will love you only till they earn money from you. When they stop earning money from you. Then they left you. You lost your job. There are lots of ups and downs in my life. I change 6 jobs because of my low salary.

How do you say good things about a company?

On the other hand, If in a company some characteristics are in a workplace then the company is also a good company.

1:  Positive values. ...
2:  Relaxed and productive atmosphere. ...
 3:  Commitment to excellence. ...
 4:  Open and honest communication. ...
5:  Cooperation, support, and empowerment. ...
6: Sense of humor. ...
7: Compassion, respect, and understanding. ...

8: Flexibility.

My first company was very good. I switched from there because I was earning very little money. But now after switching a lot of jobs I realized that they are a very good guy. Because they love me. I feel very guilty. I know that Critics are the best learner, but here my owner criticizes me for my mistakes which I did 15 days ago. Then it is wrong. According to my if somebody assigns you to work and you are responsible for your work, then you are free to do work according to your choice but if they interrupt you. And you are working according to their choice. Then they are responsible for this. However, I was wrong but I work honestly every time. That's why one of the seniors offer me another job. He knows that I am honest. But I fail here to show that I am honest.

I believe that your knowledge is your only chunk friend. Apart from that, you don't have any friends. If you have knowledge then you can get lots of jobs. But don't be emotionally attached to your job. Always try to learn as fast as possible so that nobody will throw you.

knowledge is your only chunk friend.

How many people love their job?

A recent Haris interactive statis survey covered the following status about the people who really love their job:

1:  In America, 45 percent of workers say that they extremely satisfied with their jobs

2: Only 20 percent feel very passionate about their jobs

3: 33 percent believe they have reached a dead-end in their career

4: 21 percent are eager to change careers

5:  Older workers are the most satisfied and the most engaged in their work

6: Younger workers are the most distressed and they feel the least amount of loyalty to their employers

APJ Abdul Kalam Azad also said that" Always leave office on time".

Is it okay to leave the office on time?

Is it okay to leave the office on time?

Yes, it is okay to Always leave your office on time. The reasons are given below:

1:  Work is a never-ending process- Yes, is true that your work is a never-ending process. When one assignment will complete then another one is going to start. Apart from your work you have to take care of your family too. So always leave your office on time.

2: Work as a human not like a machine- You are a human being you should take care of your health. A machine is a nonliving thing. It has no sentiment. So you should don't work like a machine always work as a human.

3: Life is not only for work, office, and clients. It is for relaxation, socialization, and entertainment too.

4:  You don't want to become a hard-working person, you always want to become a smart working person. This means you should do your work in a quick time.

Is it okay to not love your career?

No, it is not ok to love your career. Always try to do something in your workplace so that people will appreciate your work. Sometimes people told you that you are not getting your work properly. If you think it deeply then you are in frustration. So take your job as a responsibility but don't overthink about what other people are saying to you. But do your work as an honest person. Take your job as an enjoyment. 

In the below video, I am trying to express an example of negative office policy regarding working in a company. A fresher when joining a new job then his first moto is learning about new things also to sustain his job.  Everybody is selfish in case of the learning perspective, in the past time people say that if you want to share your knowledge then your knowledge will be enhanced but in the current scenario people only want to grasp new things not to share their ideas with others. Apart from that few things like  Gossiping and spreading rumors, taking credit for others, sabotaging co-workers' projects are among the other are also an example of negative office politics.

So never love the company always love, the employer of the company.

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